Pre-Purchase Exams

Pre-Purchase Exams

An extensive review and evaluation of a horse’s general health, fitness, and soundness

Pre-purchase exams can help horse buyers make informed decisions.*

A pre-purchase exam includes an extensive review and evaluation of a horse’s general health, fitness, and soundness.

Horse owners participate in a variety of equine activities, so it is essential to determine if a horse is suitable for the use the buyer intends. Whether purchasing a horse for trail riding or upper-level equestrian sports, pre-purchase exams help buyers to make informed decisions and minimize risk.*

Our pre-purchase exams may include, but are not limited to:

  • Physical exam including soundness, neurology, cardiology
  • Gait examinations
  • Blood tests (CBC and Biochemistry Panel)
  • Drug testing
  • Radiography
  • Ultrasonography
  • Endoscopy
  • Other diagnostic tests as required
  • Breeding soundness as required

We also consider age, confirmation, and previous medical history/conditions/injuries for suitability recommendations for equestrian sports.

*NOTE: The determination to purchase the animal examined is the sole choice and responsibility of the buyer. The examination provided by Twin Oaks Equine Clinic/Dr. James Reber will provide you with information on the overall health and condition of the horse on the day of the examination. The examination cannot fully predict the prognosis for future health and soundness, nor can it provide a warranty for the horse’s suitability for any current or future use or purpose. This examination does not encompass an in-depth evaluation of the horse’s temperament, ability, or aptitude for a particular discipline.